
all of my programs are available for free use and modification under a GPL3 license. you can clone the repositories linked on each page, as well as download .tar.gz archives of the source code from snapshots.

each repository contains a README with instructions for building and installing, as well as any other relevant information.

bug reports are always welcome at, for the fastest resolution please provide a detailed description of the problem, the version number or commit you are using, as well as any relevant error messages, logs, or configurations.

patches or pull requests can be sent to as a .patch file. make sure to indicate what program it applies to, as well as the version and/or commit that you are working off of. please give a brief summary of the changes made and why, or i probably won’t respond or integrate them.

i mirror some of my repositories on github, but don’t respond to pull requests or bug reports in a consistent or timely fashion there.



