metaforge - 0.1.3


available flags

-r, --root <ROOT_DIR>
        root directory, contains source, pattern and build directories
        defaults to current working directory
-s, --source <SOURCE_DIR>
        source file directory, contains directory structure and .meta files for completed site
        defaults to [root_dir]/source
-b, --build <BUILD_DIR>
        build directory, directory where the final site gets built
        defaults to [root_dir]/build
-p, --pattern <PATTERN_DIR>
        pattern directory, contains .meta files that are available for expansion
        defaults to [root_dir]/pattern
-f, --file <FILENAME>
        builds a single file and outputs it to stdout
-l  --parallel
        run metaforge in parallel, allowing much faster build times
        will interleave output in verbose mode
-v, --verbose
        enable extra output. repeated flags give more info
            v   => list source files/directories being created
            vv  => list expansions and substitutions
            vvv => full debug information (function calls, interior parameters)
-q, --quiet
        minimal output
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILETYPE>
        output filetype, defaults to html
            - html
            - markdown
            - json
            - latex
            - man
            - txt
            - asciidoc
            - pdf
-i, --input <INPUT_FILETYPE>
        input filetype, defaults to markdown
            - markdown
            - html
            - json
            - latex
            - org
-h, --help
        print a brief help page
-V, --version
        print version
        clean build directory before building site,
        will remove anything currently in build directory
        create a new skeleton directory in the root dir
        don't stop building site if a single file fails
        panics and stops building site if any undefined variables are encountered
        don't call pandoc on source files. allows metaforge to run without pandoc installed
        don't minify resulting html