metaforge - 0.1.3

header blocks

define settings for the parser, allowing better control over how a single file gets processed.

header blocks works similarly as any other definition block, with keys consisting of pre-defined keywords, and values consisting of booleans (unquoted) or strings, as well as DEFAULT option for overriding.

the header block must be the first block in a file, as it determines how the parser reads and constructs the rest of the file

in a default.meta file, any keys preceded by an exclamation mark (!) get applied as header settings for the entire directory and children, following the same inheritance rules as other definitions.

prefixing a definition block with an exclamation mark makes the entire block globally defined. inside, you can mark individual assignments as local by preceding them with a star (*) as in normal definition blocks.


   filetype = 'txt'
   !pandoc = 'false'



