metaforge - 0.1.3


file locations

metaforge parses files with the .meta extension.

files in the pattern directory are available for file expansion. default.meta files are fallback files if the pattern directory gets called without a defined value.

the structure of the source directory gets mirrored to the build directory as the site is build, with any .meta files becoming .html files, except default.meta files, which define default values for a directory and its children.

the source section of files in the source directory can be written in markdown and will converted to html.

files from the pattern directory the should generally contain html snippets, but can contain anything that you’d like to substitute.

required directories are:

the build directory doesn’t need to exist, as metaforge will create a new one if it’s missing

a new skeleton site can be built in the given root directory by passing the --new flag to metaforge,

skeleton structure

L pattern/
|   L base/
|   |    L default.meta
|   L body/
|   |    L default.meta
|   L head/
|   |    L default.meta
|   L foot/
|        L default.meta
L source/
|   L hello_world.meta
L build/
    L hello_world.html